This is a small endless shooter made for lamejam40 (theme: looping). In it, you play as a small satellite stuck in a gravity well and must rotate to fire the correct guns on your surface, as they each fire in a looping, clockwise pattern.


A&D/Left arrow & Right arrow: Rotate clockwise and counterclockwise.

Spacebar: Fire next gun in rotation.

Mouse: Click on a slot to open an upgrade menu. Click on the slot again to close the menu.


Machine Gun: Fires 3 bullets in a straight line.

Shot Gun: Fires several bullets in a wide arc.

Missile Launcher: Fires a tracking missile. Deals more damage than normal bullets.

Tesla Coil: Fires two lighting bolts at a nearby enemy. Deals more damage than normal bullets.

P.S. The first machine gun is free.

Credit to HydroGene @ for the awesome space shooter theme!